Hyperactivity with ADHD

Handling hyperactive children often proves to be challenging for parents and teachers. The little ones are constantly moving about and hardly sit still on a chair for five minutes. But not every child that likes to move around a lot has ADHD. So how can specific ADHD symptoms be differentiated from normal behaviour of children? What exactly does hyperactivity mean?

Hyperactivity: Symptoms

Hyperactive children generally show the following characteristic behavioural disorders:

  • Constantly fidgeting with hands and feet
  • Shifting about in their seat
  • Generally being very restless
  • Unable to sit still
  • Always moving about
  • Talking and constantly interrupting others
Good to know: In adults with ADHD, the hyperactivity symptom may sometimes manifest itself differently from that in children. The urge to move around then rather turns inwardly, leading to nervousness and inner restlessness. However, this need not always be the case.

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Hyperactivity: Causes

A metabolic disorder of the neurotransmitters dopamine and noradrenaline is responsible for the hyperactivity. These neurotransmitters are of vital importance for information processing in the brain.

Learn more details about Causes of ADHD.

What helps in case of hyperactivity?

During ADHD therapy, various therapy modules may be used which can reduce hyperactive behaviour. In addition to general measures – such as the uniform structuring of days – approaches in behavioural therapy may help affected children to become calmer. Treatment with special medications may also reduce the symptoms.

Tips against hyperactivity

Practical exercises

What is ADHD?

  • ADHD stands for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • It is a neurobiological disorder which is attributable to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain
  • As a result, there are changes in the transmission of information among neuronal cells in the brain