ADHD therapy in children

Immediately following the diagnosis of ADHD, parents are faced with a decision to be made on the proper treatment. Currently, there is no cure for ADHD. That's why the focus is on treating ADHD symptoms. The foremost objective is, in particular, to normalise the child's hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive behaviour patterns - as far as possible. This is important so that affected children can develop age-appropriately and be integrated into their social environment (family, school, leisure time).

Multimodal therapy concept

In recent years, possible treatment options for ADHD have significantly improved. Various treatment modules can be combined as part of a multimodal therapy:

The multimodal therapy concept aims at normalising the core symptoms of hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder and impulsiveness. Academic performance and behaviour in school are to be improved as well. Another important benchmark for the therapy success is the child's personal development, as well as its social relationships to friends and within the family.

Good to know: Therapy measures are selected and combined according to the child's age and current behavioural problems.

The ADHD therapy of the primarily inattentive type is not fundamentally different from that of the combined or the primarily impulsive-hyperactive type.

ADHD? Don't panic!

  • With proper support, children with ADHD are able to develop just like their peers
  • The disorder can be treated well
  • ADHD children often show above-average creativity
  • Later, they are frequently able to lead an entirely normal adult life

ADHD therapy without medication?

Whether treatment with medication is required will always be discussed, in the individual case, with the treating physician in child and adolescent medicine or with the child and adolescent psychiatrist. With some children, non-medication measures may already result in an improvement – measures such as information and counselling (psychoeducation) of parents as well as educational measures.

However, medication therapy (e.g. with methylphenidate) is indicated if general measures fail to result in a satisfactory improvement and the child continues to be significantly impaired in its daily life and development by the symptoms, and if the affected persons are subject to high psychological strain. Such medication therapy often provides the foundation for other treatment modules to be successfully applied at all. In critical situations, the treating physician may also take an immediate treatment with suitable medication into consideration.

Good to know: The guideline by the ADHD Working Group of Physicians in Child and Adolescent Medicine also emphasizes: "The comparison of different treatment methods has shown that medication therapy tailored to the individual needs has the profoundest positive effect on core ADHD symptoms – also favourably impacting associated disorders."

ADHD therapy

  • Multimodal treatment concept
  • Pillars of treatment: Consulting and psychoeducation by the physician, parent and teacher training, behavioural therapy, medication
  • Therapy is precisely adjusted to the individual symptoms