ADHD: Secondary symptoms

Aside from the three core ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention-deficit disorder, yet other behavioural disorders frequently occur as well. About two thirds of the children suffering from an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have some of these accompanying symptoms.

The following symptoms may occur with ADHD, in addition to the main symptoms:

  • Irritability
  • Forgetfulness
  • Disorganisation
  • Low frustration tolerance
  • Emotional lability
  • Temper tantrums and aggressive, defiant behaviour
  • Problems with visual and / or auditory perception
  • Learning difficulties
  • Impaired social relationships with parents, teachers, friends
Good to know: ADHD is also frequently accompanied by other clinical conditions, such as depressions, anxiety disorders, addiction or autism. However, these are not considered secondary symptoms but rather independent clinical conditions.

ADHD symptoms: pupil

Aside from a pupil's lack of concentration, learning difficulties and resulting impairments occur most frequently. Then, the child's academic performance will be mostly under its actual abilities. Because intellectually, ADHD children can definitely keep up with their peers. They merely lack concentration and patience. This also explains why children with ADHD often have deficits in arithmetic or writing, but provide an excellent performance in creative subjects, such as music or art.

Good to know: Children with ADHD often have special talents in creative subjects.

Why is it so important to support and foster your child's skills and self-confidence? Find out here.

What is ADHD?

  • ADHD stands for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • It is a neurobiological disorder which is attributable to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain
  • As a result, there are changes in the transmission of information among neuronal cells in the brain