ADHD: Parent training

Treatment of ADHD in children usually consists of various therapy modules. It is fundamentally important that parents are included on various levels in this process. That's why parent training within the scope of ADHD therapy in children has a particularly high rating value. The objective is here to inform and educate parents about the symptoms and the associated special particularities, and to also boost their self-assurance and educational competence in everyday life. It is here important to enable parents to change their view on their child's challenging behaviour, thus helping them to embrace a positive attitude. These are important prerequisites for a better family life since they may help break up the frequently hardened "fronts".

Parent training: Contents

The following components are taken into account in parent training:

  • Explanation and information concerning the clinical picture
  • Acceptance of the condition
  • Educational aids in everyday life and in difficult situations
  • Improvement of communication and interaction between parents and child
  • Relief and appreciation for all family members

During the training, parents are to be provided with specific parenting principles and ways to behave and react which can be implemented immediately.

Important: Make sure that the provider of your parent training is reputable and has the necessary qualifications. Helpful tips may be provided, for example, by your treating physician, by regional patient associations or appropriate information centres.

Objectives of parent training

Professional training should help parents to set realistic expectations for their child and establish a positive parent-child relationship. In this context, it is important to recognise and support the child's strengths and talents, and also take care of good communications within the family. Parenting with loving care and consistency at the same time is especially important for ADHD children. After all, that's the only way for them to learn what is expected of them and train the desirable behaviour.

Parent training: Overview of objectives

  • Loving and accepting the child just as it is
  • Having realistic expectations of the child
  • Recognising and supporting the child's strengths and talents
  • Realising where the child has difficulties because of ADHD, requiring specialised support
  • Establishing a good way of communication within the family
  • Becoming more self-assured in finding solutions to ADHD-specific parenting problems
  • Training a loving and consistent parenting style
  • Guiding the child foremost by means of praise and encouragement, not by punishment and reprimands (principle of "praise over punishment")
  • Reacting immediately and consistently in case of undesirable behaviour
  • Improving the distribution of tasks and responsibilities within the family
  • Utilising external help offered (e.g. self-help groups, social exchanges with other affected families, family assistance)
  • Learn methods for coping with stress

Teachers should also be trained

Not only parents, but also the child's teachers may profit from a special training. After all, for many hours of the day, they are the closest contact persons and authority figures, and they are also confronted, time and again, with the child's conspicuous behaviour.

Special advanced training is thus offered for teachers which usually includes the following modules:

  • Information about the condition
  • Organising measures for the child (seat in class and seating position, work materials, etc.)
  • Detecting wrong behavioural patterns and reacting properly to them
  • Channelling the child's behaviour through reinforcement
  • Cooperation with the parents

ADHD therapy

  • Multimodal treatment concept
  • Pillars of treatment: Consulting and psychoeducation by the physician, parent and teacher training, behavioural therapy, medication
  • Therapy is precisely adjusted to the individual symptoms